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Showing posts from September, 2008

8 Ways to Reduce Food Cost

(There are many cheap, affordable but quality food stuff available on the market these days. Image source: ) One good way to reduce food cost is by making sure that we only buy what we really need. One good way to do this is to have a grocery list and making sure that we browse through the many brand and produce source to get the best but the cheapest item (one good source is buying Tesco brand items and purchase direct from the wet markets) Another way of reducing food cost is by growing our vegetables - among the vegetables that are easy to grow in Malaysia weather is chilly and onion and sometimes tomatoes (all depending on the available space to grow them - when I had a larger space available some time ago, I had corn & green peas as well) Tips from the I utilize the grocery list. I started compiling a grocery list faithfully every week before going to the store and when I’m in the store, I adamantly oppose buying things not on the l