07 August 2008

How to Save Money on Food?

(Having a balanced diet. Image source: http://www.diabetes.org)

The fuel price goes up and with it, the price of food and household items goes up too. Roti Canai at one time used to be one of the cheapest foods around but now, it is among the high priced food item.

What me and my friends did was this:-

1. Source for restaurant where the food is good but cheap.

2. We opt out from buying expensive items – squids, fish, chicken and perhaps less rice.

3. Bring cooked food from home – last night’s leftovers is the best option

4. Skip lunch altogether and instead have small meals (biscuits, oats or titbits)

So, how else one can save money on food? From Wikihow:-

1. Share food. Usually at restaurants, food advertised for two people is sufficient for three. Don't pay for more than you need!

2. Learn how to make great-tasting dishes at lower cost staple food. Instead of roast beef sandwiches, eat peanut butter and jelly. Instead of steak, dine on macaroni and cheese.

3. Remember that while processed foods may seem cheaper and easier, they are actually a lot more expensive and a lot less healthy. Focus on buying cheap, healthy foods like beans, lentils, pasta, etc that are easy to make, healthy and cheap.

4. Learn to cook from scratch. Cooking from scratch is the cheapest (and best) way to eat. Learn to roll yesterday's leftovers into today's meal. Manage your refrigerator: never let anything go bad. Eat it or use it as an ingredient in a sauce, casserole, or soup. For example, old lettuce can be chopped and put into a soup, old salsa can be added to a curry, and old milk can be turned into a quiche. Of course, don't use anything that has actually gone sour or rancid.

5. Meat and other animal products can be very expensive. So remember that there are plenty of other options when it comes to protein. Meatless Monday is a public health campaign associated with the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health that encourages people to give up meat one day a week to cut their intake of saturated fat.

Click here for more tips

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